রবিবার, ৩১ মার্চ, ২০১৩


CMOSH Medical College

This is one of the prime & prestigious projects of Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital . Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College established in May’2006 with 50 students with a view to providing medical education of international standard. 2nd Batch of 50 students got admitted in January’2007, 3rd Batch of 60 students got admitted in January’2008, the 4th batch of 75 students got admitted in January’2009 and the 5th batch of 75 students got admitted in January’2010.
The Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College started functioning on 03.06.2006 following the course curriculum (2002) compiled and promulgated by BM&DC and approved by the Chittagong University. The Medical College is approved by the Govt. of the peoples Republic of Bangladesh, affiliated with the University of Chittagong and recognised by the by the Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BM&DC).
A major part of the Medical College fund has been utilised for the development and welfare program to expand the overall facilities for the patients of Chattagram Maa-Shishu O General Hospital after meeting the necessary expenditures of the college.


Location of the College: The College & Hospital is situated on Agrabad in the heart of the picturesque City of Chittagong. The present Hospital & College building is standing at the Center of 4.2637 acres land. Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College is situated 2nd & 3rd floor of the Chattagram Maa-Shishu O General Hospital where 80 thousand square feet are reserved for the teaching purposes. 

Teaching Space & Facilities: The College has a air-conditioned Lecture Gallery, 2 Lecture Halls, Laboratories (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Forensic Medicine), Pathology Museum, Anatomy Museum, Dissection Hall, various wards & Sufficient room for Professors, Lecturers, Offices and Lab. Technician Room. The existing facilities are sufficient to provide effective teaching comfortably to over 100 students. All these are equipped with necessary furniture in built microphone, multimedia, overhead projectors and other necessary equipments .
The classes of the Para-Clinical Departments have been started on 19.04.2008. There is a 500 bedded hospital attached to the college covering, Medicine, Surgery/Urology, Obs. & Gynae., Orthopaedic Surgery, Eye, E.N.T, Skin & VD, Physical Medicine, Psychiatry, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Radiology and Imaging, Paediatrics, Paediatric Surgery, Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pathology, Blood Transfusion and Dentistry .

Teaching Staff: Sufficient highly qualified & experienced teachers are working at present in all subjects. Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital medical College's teacher's students ratio 1:10.

Library : We have a air-conditioned central library with computer & laser printer, broad band internet connection, photocopies machine and also sufficient manpower, to provide medical teaching comfortably to over 100 students, so that all students can perform their study without any disturbance. sufficient manpower . The library is situated on the 3rd floor of the College building and has a collection of over 5,000 books & it subscribes a good number of National and International medical journals.

Ladies Student Hostel
Students are allowed to use library from 8 AM to 10 PM on all week days. The library is closed on Fridays and holidays. At present the Library has not only on-board reading facility but also has Lending facilities for the students .
Entertainment for the Students: There is a large common room with indoor games facilities like table tennis, chess and ludo etc. are available for the students during college hours.
Canteen: It has also large good quality canteen attached the common room.

Admission: Admission to the MBBS course is strictly on merit basis and is followed as per B.M.D.C. rule as prescribed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare through the Directorate of Medical Education & Directorate of Health Services of Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC) for admission into any Government College of Bangladesh every year.
Centrally admission test will be held on 22.10.2010 under the supervision of the government of Bangladesh. This is a new procedures .

Admission Procedures :

Eligibility for the session 2010-2011
Candidates who passed SSC or an equivalent Examination in any group not before 2007/2008 and HSC or an equivalent examination in Science group with Physics, Chemistry and Biology in the year 2009/2010 from any recognised Board or University of Bangladesh and obtained the results given below .
The SSC examination in the year 2007/2008 and the HSC examination in 2009/2010 must have obtained a GPA of total of 8.00 and must have at least a minimum GPA of 3.50 in both SSC & HSC and minimum GPA of 3.50 in Biology at HSC .

The O-level (in the year 2007/2008) and the A-level (in the year 2009/2010) or their equivalent examinations and have obtained equivalent marks are also eligible to apply. Certificates of passing SSC and HSC or equivalent examinations and testimonials (Candidate who have passed “O” level and “A” level examination) must produce equivalence certificate from the Director Medical Education & HMPD, Directorate General of Health Services, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212 ) .

We have a ladies Hostel in the campus . .Boys Hostel will be arranged in the near by Residential Area as it may need .Total of Fees Tk. 9,50,00,000/- (Approximately) to be realised at the time of admission to M.B.B.S class (Session 2010-2011).

Details of Fees to be realised at the time of admission to M.B.B.S class (Session 2010-2011)
Particulars Fees for the session: 2010-2011
01. Admission Form Tk. 2,000/-
02. Admission / Re-admission fee Tk. 1,00,000/- (To be realised at the time of admission)
03. Development fee Tk. 7,00,000/- To be realised at the time of admission)
04. Tuition fee @ 5,000/- per month . Fees for 3 months to be paid at the time of admission Tk. 15,000/- (To be realised at the time of admission)
05. Building Charge Tk. 24,350/- (Per year) (To be realised at the time of admission & every year must be paid)
06. Laboratory Charge
07. Light Charge
08. Sanitation Charge
09. Library Charge
10. Welfare Charge
11. Recreation Charge
12. Study Tour & Autopsy course fee Tk. 4,000/- + 2,000/- = 6,000/-
13. Examination & Exam. Center fee

1st Prof.
2nd Prof.
Final Prof.

14. Chittagong University Registration fee Tk. 5,650/- (To be realised at the time of admission)
15. BMDC Registration fee
16. Transcription fee
17. Migration fee
18. Mark Sheet fee
19. Caution Money Tk. 5,000/- (To be realised at the time of admission
20. Miscellaneous Tk. 1,00,000/- (To be realised at the time of admission
21. Internship fee (6,000*12)
(to be paid back to students during internship training)
Tk. 72,000.00

Total Tk. 9,50,000/- (To be realised at the time of admission)

Curriculum: The new curriculum 2002 formulated by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and recognized by the BMDC and accepted by all the universities of Bangladesh and are followed by all the Govt. and non Govt. medical colleges of Bangladesh including this institute.

Synopsis of Curriculum:

                              Course and Academic Calendar
                                              Synopsis of the Curriculum
1. MBBS course will be of 5(five) years duration plus 1 (one) year internship training.

2. There will be Professional Examination during the MBBS course

      At the end of       11/2 year            First Professional
      At the end of       31/2 year            Second Professional
      At the end of       5 year            Final Professional

3. There will be two Examinations in a Calendar year.

      a. The 1st week of January
      b. The 1st week of July

4. The subjects and the distribution of Marks:

I. First Professional Examination

      a. Anatomy                                                               :            500 marks
      b. Physiology                                                           :            400 marks
      c. Biochemistry                                                       :            400 marks

II. Second Professional Examination

      a. Pathology                                                             :            500 marks
      b. Microbiology                                                        :            400 marks
      c. Community Medicine                                         :            400 marks
      a. Pharmacology and Therapeutics                    :            500 marks
      b. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology                  :            400 marks
      c. Community Medicine                                         :            400 marks

III. Final Professional Examination

      a. Medicine                                                                :            500 marks
      b. Surgery                                                                  :            500 marks
      c. Obstetrics & Gynaecology                                  :            500 marks

                                                                           Total       :          1500 Marks

5. Pass marks will be 60% each in written, oral and practical/clinical examination separately.

6. Marks and pattern of questions in written examination in each subject will be as follows:

       a. 10% marks of the written examination in each paper of each subject is allocated for formative        assessment.

       b. 20% marks are allocated for MCQ in each paper. There will be a separate answer-script for        MCQ examination in each subject. Time allocation is 1 (one) minute for each question consisting        of five stems (20 questions).

       c. 70% marks allocated for SEQ (short essay question)
for each except in Community Medicine.

       d. For the oral, clinical and practical examinations the system and the distribution of marks is        shown against each subject in the Curriculum.

       e. That oral part of the examination will be on a structure basis.

       f. For Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Community Medicine, Pathology, Pharmacology &        Therapeutics and Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, the students will be adequately instructed on        examination system to be followed as per the Curriculum in their respective Departments.

7. For Final Professional Examination:

       a. Medicine: There will be Two Boards consisting of a total of examiners for oral, practical and        clinical examinations.

              i. Board I                : One Examiner from Internal medicine
                                                One Examiner from Paediatrics

              ii. Board II              : One Examiner from Internal medicine
                                                One Examiner from sub specialties (Dermatology/ Psychiatry)

(There will be no temperature Charts, Slides and Specimen in the Practical examination.)

       b. Surgery: The Oral, practical and Clinical examinations will be on two separate days:

              i. One day               : General Surgery
              ii. Another Day       : Ophthalmology and ENT

       c. Obstetrics and Gynaecology:

              i. Board I                : Oral, Practical and Clinical Obstetrics
              ii. Board II              : Oral, Practical and Clinical Gynaecology

Academic Calendar with the details of Lectures, Practical and Clinical schedule along with the examination system for the First, Second and Final professional will be supplied in due time.